Sweet Potato Fries (with Raw Vanilla Maple Cashew Cream!)

The incredible Rachel of Rawberry Fields has wowed us already with her raw creme brûlée, and we think you’ll also fall in love with this lovely recipe sweet potato fries done in cinnamon and coconut sugar! They are prepared using coconut oil, coconut flour, and coconut sugar – so they’re definitely a hit in our books. Crispy, sweet, and moreish, these sweet potato fries are the perfect versatile snack, dinner, or dessert – and the raw maple cashew dipping cream is simply heavenly. It’s best to soak your cashew nuts overnight beforehand, so make sure you plan ahead! Are you hungry yet? Let’s get cooking!
What you’ll need:

- 2-3 large peeled sweet potatoes
- 2 tablespoons melted Coconut Oil
- 1 tablespoon Coconut Flour
- 1 teaspoon ground Cinnamon
- 5 tablespoons Coconut Sugar (adjust depending on the amount of coverage you’d like!)

Raw vanilla maple cashew cream:
- 1 cup of cashew nuts, soaked overnight
- 1.5 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
- 2/3 cup (160 ml) water
- 3-4 tablespoons maple syrup - or Coconut Syrup!

Let’s get started!

For the fries:
1. Before doing anything, preheat your oven to 200C (390F)
2. Wash and peel your sweet potatoes, then cut them into long, thin slices.
3. Place them in a large bowl, and toss in your coconut flour until they are thinly coated. Add more if necessary
4. Pour in the melted coconut oil, and toss to coat.
5. Next, mix the coconut sugar and cinnamon in a bowl, and pour over your potatoes to coat them.
6. Place the sliced potatoes on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Try to leave space between them to let them cook fully.
7. Bake for 16-18 minutes before removing the tray and flipping the fries to allow them to bake evenly. Then pop the tray back in for another 15 minute.
8. If you have time, switch your oven off at this point and leave the fries to cool inside for about 20 minutes. This will help them get crispier – but don’t worry if you don’t have enough time, as this step isn’t essential!

For the cream:
1. Soak your cashews in water overnight, and drain just before using.
2. Place all the cream ingredients in a blender, and blend until smooth and creamy!
3. Pop in the fridge for 30 minutes to cool before serving.
4. Enjoy with your fries! If you have any left (good luck not devouring it all!) you can keep them for 4-5 days in an airtight container in the fridge.

See more recipes here!

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