Gluten Free & Vegan Lemon Cheesecake

Oh cheesecake, how we love thee. There’s nothing quite like tucking into a creamy cheesecake. Our lovely contributing chef Vicki (@freefromfairy)’s take has got all of the yum without any of the regret, and we think that’s a pretty good deal. Fussy foodies and those on restricted diets alike will thank you for this one!
What you’ll need:
For the Base
- 180 grams ground almonds
- 40 grams Coconut Oil
- 30 grams maple syrup (or Coconut Honey!)
- 1 teaspoon ginger, ground

For the Topping
- 185 grams raw cashew nuts
- Zest and juice of 3 unwaxed lemons
- 40 grams Coconut Oil
- 40 grams maple syrup (or Coconut Honey!)

Let’s get started!

1. This one takes a little pre-planning: if possible, soak the cashews in a bowl of water overnight. If you’re in a bit of a rush, 4 hours should be fine.

2. Combine the base ingredients, then press into a 15cm round tin. Pop into the fridge while you make the topping.

3. Next, get out your food processor. Blitz all of the topping ingredients until smooth and creamy.

4. With a spatula, smooth the topping onto the base. Leave in the fridge for about two hours, or if you’re impatient to give it a taste, the freezer will help it so set quicker.

5. Enjoy!

Click here. You and your taste buds won’t regret it.

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