Carb Free, Sugar Free & Gluten Free Granola

As much as we’d all love to eat pastries and pancakes every morning for breakfast, it’s safe to say that it isn’t quite sustainable. Cue Vicki (@freefromfairy) with her homemade granola that is not only much better for you than store-bought alternatives, it’s delicious too! With a little help from our friends Coconut Oil and Coconut Flakes, it’ll definitely keep you going until lunch time.
What you’ll need:
- 200 grams mixed nuts of your choice
- 30 grams sesame seeds
- 30 grams pumpkin seeds
- 60 grams Plain Coconut Flakes or Toasted Coconut Flakes 
- 20 grams Coconut Oil
- 1 teaspoon Cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon ginger, ground
- 2 ripe bananas, mashed


Let’s get started:

1. Firstly, let’s melt that coconut oil. Turn your oven to 180C, pop the oil onto a baking tray and leave it in the oven for a couple of minutes.
2. Meanwhile, combine the seeds, nuts and coconut flakes. Place them onto the baking tray and mix until coated in coconut oil. Place back in the over for a further 5 minutes.
3. Mash your bananas until smooth. Take your nut mixture out again and stir in the bananas.
4. Leave the granola to bake for 5 minutes, give it a stir, then leave for another 5-10 minutes. It should be crisp, golden and dry.
5. Finally, stir in the spices. Leave to cool completely, then (if you’ve managed to save any after the first tasting!) store in an airtight container.

Nuts about coconuts? There’s plenty more recipes here.

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