The Perfect Pumpkin Pie

Pie may just be the greatest thing on Earth. Savoury or sweet, shortcrust or puff pastry, if we could eat pie all day every day, you can bet your bottom dollar we would. And this one’s no exception – all hail the new Queen of autumn spice, the wonderful, Charley (@charleys_health) and her irresistible Cacao Crusted Pumpkin Pie. Believe it or not, this perfect little pie is completely vegan, free from refined sugar and filled with only 100% natural ingredients, meaning we can have our pie and eat it too without that all too without any guilt! So pop that oven on, grab your cosiest jumper, and let’s get baking.
What you’ll need:

For the Base:
- 1 cup of oats
- ½ cup ground almonds
- 1 tablespoon Coconut Oil
- 1 tablespoon date syrup
- 1 tablespoon cacao powder
- A pinch of sea salt

For the Filling:
- ½ cup pumpkin puree
- ½ cup dates
- 2 tablespoons almond butter
- 1 teaspoon of Coconut Oil
- A generous pinch of Cinnamon
- A pinch of ginger
- A pinch of ground nutmeg

For the Cashew Sauce:
- 2 tablespoons cashew butter
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup or Coconut Honey
- A dash of vanilla extract
- Coconut Milk (to achieve desired consistency)

Let’s get started! 

1. Begin by blitzing your oats in a food processor until you’re left with a fine flour. Throw in the remaining base ingredients and blitz again until well mixed and sticky.
2. Next, transfer your mixture into a cake tin (springform or loose bottomed is best for avoiding pre-pie meltdowns) and press down until smooth and even. Make a wall of crust around the edge of the tin to create the pie sides then pop in the freezer and move onto the filling.
3. For that lovely creamy middle, blitz all of the filling ingredients in a food processor before pouring the mixture over your crust and returning to the freezer.
4. Finally, to create your scrumptious sauce, combine the cashew butter, vanilla, and maple syrup (adding a spoonful at a time). Once smooth, throw in a little coconut milk to achieve your desired consistency
5. Now for the hard part, pop your perfect little pie in the freezer to set for a few hours and wait patiently. Once set, cut into slices, drizzle with sauce, top with crushed pecans and dig in.


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