Zingy Lime Green Smoothie

Zingy Lime Green Smoothie
Our incredibly talented contributing chef  Charley   @charleyshealth   is back with a zing – a zingy lime smoothie that’s positively crammed full of goodness and eagerly waiting to kick-start your day! This gloriously green concoction is packed full of potassium and electrolytes (in the form of our 100% pure coconut water!) which we all know are essential for keeping our precious bodies tip-top. But most importantly, it can be whizzed up in a push of a button, meaning you won’t lose any of those precious final moments in bed in the morning. So, shall we get blending?
What you’ll need:
-  Coconut Water
-  1½ bananas
-  ¼ avocado
-  10 cashew nuts
-  A small handful of kale
-  Juice from ½ a lime


Let’s get started!

1. Simply throw all ingredients into your blender and blitz until smooth.
2. Dish up, commend yourself on your excellent smoothie making skills, then drink up!

See more delicious recipes  here !

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