Raw Double Chocolate Orange Cheesecake

Raw Double Chocolate Orange Cheesecake
This raw double chocolate orange cheesecake is pretty much everything we dream of here at Coconut Merchant HQ! The amazing  Rachel  ( @Rawberry Fields ) has been back in the kitchen creating us another raw masterpiece, which is sure to be a showstopper at the end of any meal! This cheesecake requires no baking, and is completely healthy, featuring all the goodness of our creamy coconut oil! Now, as soon as you stop drooling we can get mixing!
Preparation Time: 8 hrs
Cooking Time: 45 mins
Total Time: 8 hrs 45 mins
What you’ll need:
For the chocolate brownie base:
-  ½ cup (45g) brazil nuts
-  ⅓ cup (40g) walnuts
-  8-9 medjool dates
-  2 tablespoons Coconut Syrup
-  3 tablespoons carob powder (or cacao powder)
-  1-2 tablespoons water


For the chocolate cheesecake:
-  1½ cups (200g) cashews
-  1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste (or extract)
-  ½ cup (60g) cacao powder (or carob)
-  ⅓ cup (70ml) melted Coconut Oil
-  ⅓ cup (70ml) Coconut Syrup
-  ⅓ cup (70ml) water

For the orange cheesecake:
-  1 cup (150g) cashews (soaked overnight, or for at least 6 hours)
-  ¼ cup Coconut Syrup
-  1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste (or extract)
-  ½ cup (118ml) melted Coconut Oil
-  2 tablespoons Coconut Butter
-  Juice of two oranges
-  Zest of two oranges
-  4 drops orange essential oil (optional)

For the chocolate topping:
-  2 large tablespoons of melted Coconut Oil
-  3 large tablespoons of carob powder (or cacao)
-  3 tables Coconut Syrup
-  2-3 drops orange essential oil

Let’s get started!

For the brownie layer: 
1. Place the nuts into a food processor and pulse until they are roughly chopped into small pieces.
2. Add the dates and pulse until they are nicely combined with the nuts.
3. Now, pour in your coconut syrup and carob powder and pulse to combine.
4. Add the water and pulse again until the mixture comes together in a dough-like substance (if it rolls into a ball in the food processor you’re nailing it!)
5. Pour the mixture into the cake tin and press firmly into the bottom. If it is sticky, you may need to wet your fingers slightly before pressing it down.
6. Time to pop it in the freezer to harden whilst you make the chocolate cheesecake layer!

For the chocolate cheesecake:
1. For this recipe it pays to plan ahead- either soak your cashews overnight, or for at least 4-6 hours.
2. Next drain your cashews before placing them into a blender.
3. Throw in all your other ingredients and blend together until smooth and creamy. (You can add extra water, one tablespoon at a time if you need to help things along)
4. Once blended pour the mixture over the top of the brownie layer and pop it in the freezer for 20 minutes to firm up whilst you make the orange cheesecake. Make sure your brownie layer is firm before pouring over the orange layer in order to get clear definition between the layers!

For the orange cheesecake:
1. Place the cashews, coconut syrup, vanilla, coconut oil and orange juice into a blender and blend until nice & smooth.
2. Next throw in the coconut butter and orange zest and blend again until combined.
3. It’s tasting time! Add the orange oil to the mixture a drop at a time until you have reached your desired level of orange-ness then blend again to combine.
4. Pour the mixture over the top of the hardened chocolate layer then place the cheesecake back into the freezer to harden for approx 3-4 hours until frozen solid.

For the chocolate topping:
1. Melt the coconut oil over a Bain-Marie so you don’t overheat the oil.
2. Stir in the carob (or cacao) and coconut syrup until combined. Ideally the mixture should be slightly thick and slightly viscous (like a thicker version of melted chocolate!). If it is not thick enough, add more carob.
3. Give the mixture a taste, and add more coconut syrup if you have a sweet tooth!
4. Add the orange oil and stir to combine.
5. Remove the cheesecake from the tin, and pour the chocolate mixture slowly over the top of the cheesecake (allow to drip naturally down the sides of the cake to make it look extra delicious!
6. Lastly, place in the freezer for 10 minutes to harden.
7. Enjoy!

Final tip : Defrost your scrumptious cheesecake for roughly 3-4 hours in the fridge before serving. Raw cheesecakes can be stored in the freezer in an airtight container for a couple of months - if you can stay away from it that long!

See more recipes  here !

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