Piña colada
July 10, 2021
If you like piña coladas… keep reading!
If you, like us, are wondering what drink you’ll recruit as your trusty weekend companion, then don’t worry because we at Coconut Merchant have you covered. What better to get the good vibes rolling than a cheeky piña colada?! 🍹🥥🍍
For this piña colada you’ll need:
🍍 1/2 cup pineapple juice (can also use pineapple chunks for a thicker consistency)
🥥 1/2 cup UFC Velvet Coconut Milk
🥥 2x tbsp Coconut Milk Powder
🥥 1 tbsp Coconut Honey
And here’s where it gets good, for a healthy, alcohol free version add 🥄 1 tbsp of MCT Oil or, if you’re feeling a little extra, omit MCT and swap for a shot (or two) of white coconut rum!
🍹 Also to really step up your fancy cocktail game, dress your cooler with a wedge of pineapple and some desiccated coconut- it’s a yes from us.
Here’s what to do:
Simply mix all of the ingredients together (if you are using pineapple chunks you’ll need a blender, but if you go with pineapple juice a cocktail mixer will do!) Shake it shake it and pour it over some ice in a large cocktail glass or a fancy pineapple like how we did it here! Final step: have a little taste (compulsory) and voila, a refreshingly coconutty bev. Thank us later!
If you fancy an even more coconutty beverage then check out the Caribeno recipe on our website, or if you’re still on that lock-down-baking-hype, then head over to our website for all the bank hol coco baking inspo you’ll need.
Whatever you end up doing, don’t be (coconut) shy! Make sure to share what you get up to with us 🥥🍹🍍☀️