Asian Brown Rice Salad
May 22, 2018
For the salad:
1 large carrot
½ cucumber
1 courgette
1 cup brown rice
1-2 packets smoked tofu
1 apple
¼ teaspoon salt
freshly ground black pepper (to taste)
For the dressing:
-3 tablespoons smooth peanut butter
1 teaspoon rice vinegar
2 teaspoons sesame oil
2 teaspoons Coconut Syrup
5 tablespoons Coconut Cream
1 tablespoon medium curry powder
1 tablespoon tamari soya sauce (or Coconut Savoury Sauce
½ teaspoon chili powder
1-2 centimetre piece fresh root ginger, grated
2 garlic cloves, crushed
¼ teaspoon salt
Let’s get started!
1. Start by cooking your rice. Fill a large pan with water about halfway, and boil on medium-high heat. Once this is attained, add in the rice and cook for around 20-25 minutes!
2. While the rice cooks, prepare the salad. Grate the courgette, apple, cucumber, and carrot lengthways into rough strips. Then, pop them all into a large mixing bowl and set aside.
3. Next – let’s make the dressing! Add the sesame oil, peanut butter, coconut syrup, rice vinegar, curry powder, coconut cream, soya sauce, chilli powder, garlic, salt, and ginger into a small blender. Pulse until smooth, then set aside!
4. Once the rice has cooked, remove from the heat, drain, and allow to cool slightly for a couple of minutes.
5. While the rice is cooling, prepare your tofu according to the instructions on the packet (they may vary depending on brand).
6. Once the rice has cooled, add it to the mixing bowl with the other salad ingredients, the rice vinegar, salt and some black pepper. Stir everything together until well combined!
7. When the tofu has cooked, it’s time to get the dish ready to serve! Spoon your salad onto plates, top with the tofu, and drizzle with the dressing to finish.
8. Enjoy!
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