Easy coconut swaps that could benefit your diet
December 13, 2021
Coconut products are becoming more and more popular - but do you know just how many coconut alternatives there are and their many health benefits? If you are looking for coconut swaps that you can make in your daily diet, read on.
The health benefits of coconuts
You may have heard about people choosing coconut alternatives in order to reap some of the health benefits of coconuts.
But what are some of these benefits?
Coconuts are naturally low in carbohydrates, which makes them a great choice when it comes to those seeking to have a healthy diet. The flesh of the coconut is also a great source of fibre and has a host of vitamins such as vitamin C, E, and many B vitamins.
Coconuts also have plenty of iron, calcium, and magnesium, among other micronutrients. But what are some examples of these coconut swaps and how can we use them?
As a dairy milk alternative
Many people seeking a dairy-free lifestyle turn to coconut milk as a replacement.
Dairy-free milk alternatives may be more and more common, but few have the same great health benefits as coconut milk. Coconut milk can be used in tea and coffee, or in smoothies.
Anything you might choose to use dairy milk for, you can replace it with coconut milk - a great choice for vegans or anyone who happens to be lactose intolerant.
As a heavy cream replacement
While on the subject of dairy, have you ever noticed that many indulgent and delicious recipes call for heavy cream?
Whether it is a pasta dish or a curry, you may blanche at the idea of adding such a full-fat option to your dish. Thankfully, coconut cream makes an excellent replacement, and it still has plenty of calcium and vitamins.
Curries are especially perfect for this, as many call for coconut cream or coconut milk in the first place - coconut cream adds a truly tasty and decadent flavour to any curry, but can work well with pasta dishes, too.
As a snack
Are you looking for a healthy way to snack?
Coconut flakes could be your new best friend! These little flakes can be toasted for extra crunch, but even without this, coconut flakes are perfect to add to your cereal, smoothie, or even just to eat on their own.
You can even use them when baking for an extra boost of coconut flavour.
As a healthy drink
Sometimes, we all want a break from plain water. If you are struggling to find a replacement for your usual fizzy beverages that are lower in sugar and unknown chemicals, then reach for a glass of coconut water.
Coconut water is bursting with electrolytes, with many choosing it over sports drinks to aid recovery and hydration after a workout. Aside from that, coconut water is an easy way to reap the benefits of the humble coconut.
As a cooking oil
If you find yourself wondering how you can reduce the amount of high-fat oils you use in the kitchen, then organic coconut butter is a fantastic choice. Coming in a solid form, it melts easily and can be used in place of other popular cooking oils such as olive oil.
It is especially great when used with a curry dish or any dish where coconut is already an ingredient.
As a meat alternative
It can be difficult to know how to create that delicious meaty texture when cooking vegan meals. But now you can grab vegan meat alternatives which can be used in place of meat.
Whether you are vegan yourself or just looking to branch out and cook something new and exciting, this is a wonderful and easy way of introducing more coconut flesh into your diet.
This is where many of the nutrients and benefits can be found, so enjoy!
As you can see, there are so many coconut swaps you can make to incorporate more of the health benefits of coconuts into your daily life. Whether you are looking for a way to get hydrated fast or to get more calcium-rich foods in your diet, then head to Coconut Merchant to check out the full range of coconut alternatives on offer.
So you can enjoy coconuts every single day.