Coconut Oil at Night

Coconut Oil at Night
Whether you get your slippers on, cosy up with a good book, or put on your favourite movie, our evening routines are all different. Although, one thing that should really be a nighttime staple for everyone is our friend coconut oil. Eat it, cook with it, smooth it all over your body, and now ease yourself into the night in the freshest and most peaceful way possible.
Soak it all out with a detoxifying coconut oil bath
Forget the bubbles; when it comes to end-of-the-day relaxation there’s a new sheriff in town. If you want a soak that’ll leave you silky smooth and ease achey muscles, try adding epsom salt and coconut oil to your bath. Pop in a few drops of your favourite essential oil too- it’ll leave you full of zen and smelling sweet.
Wind down with a coconut oil tea
We’ve all done it. There’s nothing quite as nice as a hot drink when you snuggle up in bed after a long day. But if, like us, the post-coffee regret sets in when your mind is doing somersaults at 2am, we have the perfect remedy.
Try putting a tablespoon of our organic, cold pressed coconut oil in a camomile tea with a dash of honey (or Coconut Nectar!) for the perfect before-bed soother. Research suggests that filling up with clean fats gives you a steady stream of energy, keeping you peacefully snoozing through the night.
Get silky smooth with a coconut hair mask
Want luscious locks that Rapunzel herself would envy? We can help- well, our trusty friend coconut oil can! All you need to do is warm some up in your hands, smooth it right through your hair, and leave it overnight with your hair in a bun. Once you’ve washed it out in the morning, coconut oil’s naturally moisturising properties will leave your hair photo-ready and feeling silky smooth.
Freshen up with a spoonful before bed
Many of you might know the wonders of oil-pulling, but for those that don’t- let’s break it down. All you need to do is pop a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth, swill it around while you kick back and relax, then spit out. It’s that simple! Some suggest that oil pulling whitens teeth, freshens breath, and improves overall oral health. So what are you waiting for? Give it a go before bedtime and see the results for yourself.
Take a look at our oil pulling how to below!
Still searching for more ways to fit coconut oil into your everyday routine? Fear not! There’s plenty of options  this way
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